Polcom 2022 is now closed 

Please visite Polcom 2023 website 

University of Campania 
"Luigi Vanvitelli" 


University Politehnica of Bucharest 


the 6th International Conference


Progress on Polymer and Composite Products and Manufacturing Technologies
23-26 November 2022

Program available


University Politehnica of Bucharest
Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics  Department of Manufacturing Engineering 
Room CD008
Campus Map
Metro Map

Important dates 

  • 30th April 2022, Start registration
  • 31st October 2022, Abstract submission deadline  NEW!
  • 30th September 2022, early registration deadline
  • 31st October 2022, Full Paper due NEW!


Editorial Policy. The editorial policy of the Polcom conference is designed to ensure the plurality of scientific papers and consequently of authors working in the research world. 
For this reason, it was necessary to limit the number of manuscripts per author admitted to the conference, which following the peer review process will be published in the issue of MS Wiley on Polcom conference. 
In particular, the Scientific Committee invites delegates to submit no more than 3 papers per author and no more than 2 papers as first author. 
Wiley's editorial office reserves the right not to publish papers that exceed these limits. 

  • Copyright transfer agreement 

Copyright Permissions

Editorial Policy II. Publication of accepted papers in the scientific journal published by Wiley is conditional on actual participation to Polcom conference. It is the responsibility of those authors whose papers are accepted to ensure that a representative attends the conference to present their work.
In view of the residual pandemic incidence any exceptions will be approved by conference chairs and organising committee.
Delegates who are unable to attend the conference in person should contact the conference secretariat by email (
[email protected]). 
These policies are intended to improve the quality of the conference for attendees.


ASPA Plast 

Romanian Plastics Processor Employers' Association. 


Innovative Engineering Systems for Advanced Companies. 


Professionals in organizing fairs, exhibitions and special events. 


Romanian Automobile Manufacturers Association. 

GLAD Science

Association organizing events for the scientific research promotion. 


Hotel IBIS BUCHAREST Politehnica ★★★

Special fares for Polcom Conference delegates!
Rates do not include local tax 

The International Conference on Design and Technologies for Polymeric and Composite Products

is organized by University Politehnica of Bucharest, Industrial Engineering and Robotics Faculty, Manufacturing Engineering Department, Romania and by the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” - Department of Engineering, Italy in collaboration with the Glad Science association. 
The conference is a dynamic scientific event to bring together academics from around the world. Materials science, product technologies, mechanical design, mechatronics and intelligent technologies are at the heart of the conference, always looking to innovative research paths. 
 In this edition, great attention will be paid to the theme of Additive Manufacturing. Polcom will be a forum for discussion on Additive Manufacturing, including its application in industry and its environmental impact.
Polcom conference includes sessions on various topics and provides opportunities for exchanging ideas and opinions on both fundamental science and industry-relevant subjects.